How to Increase listing Visibility on Airbnb

With over 4 million competing listings on Airbnb it can feel impossible to catch the attention of all potential guests, especially if your properties are in highly concentrated areas.  The first step is to understand Airbnb’s algorithm – in other-words how the system decides which listings to showcase to its users.  Once you understand how the platform works, you can utilize this knowledge to your advantage and tweak your listings’ profiles to position them for maximum exposure.

Steps to make your listing relevant to more searches and rank higher in search visibility

 Enable Instant Book: This is the best way to improve your rank. According to Airbnb, guests prefer the option of booking as quickly as possible. Airbnb rewards listings that allow instant bookings and ranks them higher than those that don’t. Furthermore, it’s a search filter, which means some guests will only browse instant-book listings.

  Accept same day bookings: Last minute reservations may be more complicated to accommodate, but enabling this option widens your net and helps you appeal to a larger number of guests.

  Enable long-term bookings: Though perhaps intuitive, make sure your maximum stay is long enough for your place to appear in searches of those planning longer vacations.

  Allow quick turnovers: Can you accommodate back-to back reservations or do you need a breather between reservations? Airbnb takes turnover time into account when deciding how to rank your listing, so try to keep it as short as possible, allowing more guests to stay at your place and more guests to see your listing!

  Accept one-night stays: They might not be as profitable as longer reservations, but accepting one-night getaways will boost visibility and drive bookings. Enabling long-term bookings may open you up to more guests, but Airbnb actually favors shorter stays when ranking listings.

  Make it easier to book: Airbnb wants to give guests a simple booking experience, so the more restrictions you have, the lower your listing will rank. Try to minimize your rules and restrictions to attract more guests and get higher rankings.

  Offer self check-in: Guests are looking for as much flexibility as possible and Airbnb wants to give it to them. Allowing guests to come and go as they please goes a long way in boosting your rentals in Airbnb’s search results.

  Fill your place with great amenities: The most popular amenity filters are pools, kitchens and jacuzzis, but many guests also filter their searches by easier-to-offer amenities, such as WiFi, TV, air-conditioning and an open-door policy for pets. And even if they don’t, Airbnb automatically gives higher search ranking to listings that offer basic amenities like irons and hair dryers.

Making your listings stand out will drive more unique clicks and booking requests.
Here are some small suggestions that can jazz up any listing.

  A captivating feature photo: Make a great first impression by featuring an eye-catching, bright, high-quality, horizontal image that showcases the very best of your rental.

  Additional listing photos: Once you’ve drawn in potential guests with a stellar feature photo, convert those into bookings with even more images on your listing page that give viewers an idea of what they’re getting when they stay with you. A spotless flat, white linen and a fully-stocked kitchen create that welcoming feel they won’t be able to resist.

  A unique title: Don’t waste title space on information browsers already know – like the fact that your rental is in Boston. Give your listing an attractive title that includes alluring specifics about the rental. Mention your properties’ biggest selling points, like nearby attractions, an ocean-front balcony or private pool. Consider using AirDNA to research the titles of the top performers in your neighborhood to make sure your listing name is competitive.

  A detailed description: Make your listing description clear and informative. Don’t neglect to list all those little extras that make your listing unique, even tiny things like high ceilings and natural lighting, especially since Airbnb’s algorithm actually rewards descriptions with higher word counts.

  Calls to action: Littering your description with a couple of calls to action can make all the difference. Motivate potential guests to book with you by adding an encouraging phrase at the end of your listing description to help them take the next step, for example: “I would love to host you in my apartment! Send me a message with any questions you may have.”

  External Promotion: Posting links to your Airbnb listings on your personal or professional social media pages may not be a sure way to secure bookings, but it will likely get your listings more views and boost your click-through-rate.

Measures you can take to show Airbnb you’ve got a promising listing and that they should flaunt you to as many browsers possible.

Get reviews: A 5-star review tells potential guests you’ve got a great space and pushes them to pick your listing over thousands of similar properties. Establish a friendly relationship with guests and encourage them to leave a review after check-out. The algorithm considers both your average rating and the number of reviews.

Become a favorite: Getting added to guests’ Wish Lists gives your rental a nice bump in visibility. Although you do not have much control over this tool, asking friends, family and even previous guests to add you to their Wish Lists will give you a nice head start and help your listing rank higher.

Update your calendar: Maintaining an up-to-date calendar is a must in running successful listings. An updated calendar means fewer booking cancellations, fewer double bookings and more requests for approval, which Airbnb takes into account when determining how dependable you are as a host. More importantly, Airbnb likes active hosts, so even updating your pricing on a regular basis is enough to make them take notice of your listing and give it search ranking priority.

Accept more bookings: Airbnb tracks the number of booking requests you decline and ranks you accordingly. The more reservations you close, the higher your ranking will be.

Keep your cancellations down: Don’t cancel a confirmed reservation unless you absolutely have to. Airbnb will penalize you for a high cancellation rate by lowering your ranking.

Increase your booking window: Keeping your calendar blocked for consecutive months will have a bad effect on the listing’s ranking. Guesty recommends to leave a booking window of at least six months, if possible

Maintain a quick response rate: Airbnb wants to offer guests the same conveniences they have when booking with hotels. Few things are more frustrating to users than waiting days for a response. This is why Airbnb pays attention to how quickly you reply and whether you reply to all your inquiries. Even a response saying you have to decline the booking request will be accounted for.

Become verified: Hosts can verify their accounts by providing links to online profiles (such as LinkedIn or Facebook) as well as matching offline documentation that confirms their personal details. Verifying your account helps build trust with potential guests and score points with Airbnb.

Achieve Superhost status: While the badge itself doesn’t boost a listing, the things that earn you Superhost status – such as zero cancellations and a 90% response rate – do. Not to mention, guests tend to feel more comfortable booking a Superhost listing.

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